GB: Tetley adopts cardboard cartons - Are customers big on eco-friendly packaging?
Tetley’s teabags will now come packed in cardboard cartons instead of soft packs, and not have an outer plastic film or the inner bag. Additionally, the teabags themselves will be made from plant-based materials. Once rolled out completely, the company reportedly will have removed "34.6 million pieces of non-recyclable multi-layer laminate from its waste stream and nine billion non-biodegradable teabags.”
What do Tetley’s customers in Britain think about efforts to reduce unnecessary non-recyclable packaging?
According to YouGov Profiles - which covers demographic, psychographic, attitudinal and behavioural consumer metrics - 18% of Tetley’s customers try to buy less goods that have packaging that cannot be recycled. By comparison, 28% of the general British population say the same.
But while the general population tries to buy fewer goods with non-recyclable packaging, they admit that avoiding supermarkets or shops that do not use recyclable packaging isn’t something they can do - perhaps owing to the necessity of shopping at such stores.
Just 10% of this group tries to avoid supermarkets and shops that do not use recyclable packaging. By comparison, 18% of Tetley’s customers try to avoid supermarkets and shops that do not use recyclable packaging,
At the same time, Tetley’s customers in Britain seem to be price sensitive, YouGov data suggests. For instance, while a considerable proportion of this audience would prefer buying goods with recyclable packaging or avoid stores that do not use recyclable packaging, only 6% of Tetley’s customers would “pay extra for goods that use 100% recyclable packaging”
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Methodology: YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data for Great Britain is nationally representative and weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race. Learn more about Profiles.