US: Puma launches podcast to engage younger audiences - What motivates them to listen to podcasts?

US: Puma launches podcast to engage younger audiences - What motivates them to listen to podcasts?

Lesley Simeon - June 14th, 2023

Puma has launched a podcast that discusses the company’s sustainability targets and the progress it has made towards achieving each of them. Aimed at younger audiences, the “RE:GEN REPORTS” podcast features Gen Z representatives, industry peers and experts and is available on all major podcast platforms.

We look at what factors encourage the brand’s customers as well as Gen Z and Millennials in the US to listen to podcasts.

According to YouGov Profiles - which covers demographic, psychographic, attitudinal and behavioral consumer metrics - 21% of Puma’s current customers listen to on-demand audio like podcasts and audiobooks at least once a day. 

When it comes to reasons for listening to podcasts, a third (33%) of Gen Z and Millennials and 37% of Puma’s current customers do so to educate themselves or learn something new. 

Where 40% of the brand’s customers consume podcast content for entertainment, a smaller proportion (29%) of Gen Z and Millennials listen to podcasts for this reason. A similar proportion (28%) of Gen Z and Millennials and 43% of Puma’s customers tune in to podcasts to keep themselves informed about current affairs.

Well over a third (37%) of the sports brand’s customers opt for podcasts to learn something new and a third (33%) of them do so to relax. Comparatively, a smaller proportion (23%) of Gen Z and Millennials listen to podcasts to relax.

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Methodology: YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data for the US is nationally representative and weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race. Learn more about Profiles.

Photo by Malte Helmhold on Unsplash