US: Prior brand experience more important than price deals among US phone buyers

US: Prior brand experience more important than price deals among US phone buyers

Rishad Dsouza - May 31st, 2023

According to YouGov data, three-fifths of consumers in the US say that a good previous experience with a brand influences their choice when buying a new handset. This makes it the biggest influencing factor in the US, even surpassing cost-related considerations such as good deals on the phone’s price (51%) and value for money (50%).

The extent to which prior brand experience sways consumer decisions isn’t too surprising given how mature the smartphone market is, with high loyalty rates for many brands.

But the importance placed on these factors by US consumers can vary quite considerably depending on demographics such as age and gender. 

Younger consumers – those aged 18 - 29 – are far less likely than members of the middle-aged (45-64) and older (65+) age groups to emphasize each of the top three factors nationwide. For instance, only half of young consumers rate a “previous good experience with a brand” as a factor influencing their purchase (53%) as opposed to seven-tenths of members of the oldest age group (70%).

Interestingly, younger consumers are far likelier to have their phone purchase decisions influenced by recommendations or reviews. Three-tenths of them say hearing or reading about a handset can help determine their choice (31%), and by comparison only 28% of those aged over 65 indicate the same. Just under three-tenths of consumers aged 30-44 (28%) and slightly over a fifth of consumers aged 45-64 (22%) also bank on this option.

Consumers aged 30-44 are the most likely to have their handset purchase decisions swayed by exclusive promotions and offers (23%). A fifth of consumers in the 18-29 and 45-64 age brackets also indicate the same (20%), while the share drops to 18% among the oldest cohort.

When looking at differences by gender, the biggest difference comes with respect to exclusive promos and offers, which women are five-percentage points more receptive to (23% of women vs 18% of men). Women are also more likely to have their phone purchase decisions swayed by factors such as receiving good deals on the device (58% vs 53%), good deal on the plan or contract (38% vs 34%) as well as recommendations from friends and family (23% vs 19%). Men don’t over-index heavily on any of the influencing factors.

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YouGov Telco Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data for the US is nationally representative of the online population and weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race. Learn more about Profiles. 

Image Credit: Elly Brian on Unsplash