US: Four months under a new CEO, how is The Honest Company doing so far?

US: Four months under a new CEO, how is The Honest Company doing so far?

Lesley Simeon - May 24th, 2023

The Honest Company welcomed a new chief executive, Carla Vernon, last December, who took over for Nick Vlahos.

How has the baby and beauty products retailer’s brand health fared since the transition?

According to YouGov BrandIndex - which tracks consumer sentiment towards thousands of brands daily - The Honest Company’s brand health has ticked up marginally since December 2022. 

The brand’s Index metric - a measure of overall brand health taking into account perceptions of Value, Satisfaction, Reputation, Recommend, Quality and Impression - is up from a net score of 7 on December 1, 2022 to 9 on May 16, 2023.

The Honest Company’s Value score - which measures whether the brand represents poor or good value for customers’ money - grew from a net score of 3 on December 1, 2022 to 6 on May 16, 2023. The company’s Current Customer score has remained mostly unchanged. 

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Methodology: YouGov BrandIndex collects data on thousands of brands every day. The Honest Company’s Index score is an overall measure of brand health, made up of General Impression, Customer Satisfaction, Quality, Value, Corporate Reputation and Recommendation and delivered as a net score between -100 and +100. Its Value score is based on the question: Which of the following beauty care brands do you think represents good value for money/poor value for money? and delivered as a net score between -100 and +100. Its Current Customer score is based on the question: Have you used beauty care products from any of the following beauty care brands in the past 30 days? and delivered as a percentage. Scores are based on an average daily sample size of 2236 US adults between December 1, 2022 and May 16, 2023. Figures are based on a 4-week moving average. Learn more about BrandIndex.

Image by valeria_aksakova on Freepik