US: Marvel launches a fitness app - What do superhero movie fans think about fitness?

US: Marvel launches a fitness app - What do superhero movie fans think about fitness?

Lesley Simeon - May 9th, 2023

Marvel has announced its new fitness app which includes audio-based guided fitness routines featuring popular characters like Thor, Loki and the Hulk. Called ‘Marvel Move’, the app will offer users five narrative-led storylines to work out to, where users can choose to either walk, jog or run. Set to launch in summer this year, Marvel’s fitness product will be available on iOS and Android devices for $74.99 a year.

We look at YouGov data to see what superhero movie fans think about fitness and exercise.

According to YouGov Profiles - which covers demographic, psychographic, attitudinal and behavioral consumer metrics - 28% of this group have downloaded health and fitness apps over the last 12 months.

When it comes to working out, data from Profiles shows that 46% of superhero movie fans have no gym membership or subscription, but that they work out on their own and 9% of them subscribe to paid online or at-home fitness plans or workout classes.

Apart from looking at how they exercise, we’ve also explored Profiles data to ascertain general attitudes towards fitness and exercise among superhero movie fans.

Data shows that that this audience is more likely than the general US population to agree with the statement that they “wish [they] exercised more” (77% vs. 72%).

Another 65% of them exercise at least once a week and 56% of them agree their diet is part of their fitness. Nearly half of them (48%) also agree with the statement that “keeping track of [their] fitness performance helps [them] set and stick to goals” and they are more likely to say so than the general population (44%).

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Methodology: YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data for the US is nationally representative and weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race. Learn more about Profiles.

Photo by Joni Ludlow on Unsplash