Events season – What types of events are Americans planning to attend this year?

Events season – What types of events are Americans planning to attend this year?

Kineree Shah - May 2nd, 2023

In a new survey, YouGov explored the types of in-person events US consumers plan to attend in the next 12 months. Topping the list, about two in five consumers (38%) indicate they are likely to attend food and drink festivals in the next year. Following closely behind, film/theater and music events are popular choices, with slightly over a quarter of Americans (27% and 26% respectively) expressing their likelihood to attend.

One in five Americans show interest in attending sports events (19%), while a smaller proportion are likely to visit comedy (15%) or book or literature events (14%) in-person. Auto and tech events both draw the attention of around one in ten consumers (11% and 9% respectively).

Gaming and e-sports events appear to be the least popular, with 9% and 6% of respondents likely to attend, respectively. Additionally, it is worth noting that a significant portion of Americans remain unsure about attending various events, with the highest level of uncertainty surrounding music events (13%) and the lowest for e-sports (4%).

When examining the preferences of gamers, their interest in attending gaming events doubles compared to the general public (18% among gamers versus 9% among all US adults). A similar trend is observed for e-sports events, with 13% of gamers expressing interest compared to just 6% of all US adults. However, it's worth noting that a significant proportion of gamers still report they are unlikely to attend gaming and e-sports events in-person, with more than a quarter expressing a lack of interest in each event type (27% each). We define gamers as those who play video games for more than hour in a week on PC or consoles.

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Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provide quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. The data is based on surveys of adults aged 18+ years in US market with sample sizes of 1,621 adults. All surveys were conducted online in February 2023. Data from US market uses a nationally representative sample. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.