US: Puma launches new NFT collection – What are its customers’ views on the metaverse?

US: Puma launches new NFT collection – What are its customers’ views on the metaverse?

Lesley Simeon - February 22nd, 2023

Puma has announced the launch of its NFT collection, called ‘Super PUMA PFP NFTs’. The sports brand’s latest NFT venture comes months after it first stepped into the metaverse in September 2022. The new NFT collection will be available from late February 2023 onwards.

What do Puma’s current customers feel about the metaverse?

According to YouGov Profiles - which covers demographic, psychographic, attitudinal and behavioral consumer metrics - at 73%, Puma’s current customers are more likely than the general US population (47%) to agree with the statement that they “are confident they understand what the metaverse is.”

Puma’s customers (51%) are more likely than the general US population (36%) to agree with the statement that “the metaverse is the future of online transactions.”

But Puma customers (62%) are also more likely than the general US population (55%) to agree that they “are worried about the potential implications of the metaverse.”

When it comes to digital assets like NFTs, more than half (55%) of Puma’s shoppers agree with the statement that, “being able to own digital assets (i.e. NFTs, cryptocurrency, virtual property and land) in the metaverse is a huge opportunity.” In comparison, 30% of the general US population agrees with the sentiment.

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Methodology: YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data for the US is nationally representative and weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race. Learn more about Profiles. 

Photo by Choong Deng Xiang on Unsplash