How East Anglian Air Ambulance drove engagement and obtained 100% attention with YouGov FreeWall®

How East Anglian Air Ambulance drove engagement and obtained 100% attention with YouGov FreeWall®

YouGov - February 16th, 2023
EAAA Logo for Case Study

Business challenge

East Anglian Air Ambulance needed to raise awareness of its fundraising campaign.


YouGov FreeWall® helped geographically target across premium news and culture publishers to drive awareness and consideration


5x increase in click-through-rate compared to EAAA benchmark, and over 50,000 added value impressions.

Image showing two paramedics for EAAA CS

Business challenge

East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA) is a regional UK charity that relies on donations to fund its services and advertising. Due to its revenue model, the EAAA can only allocate budget to advertising that will deliver high return-on- investment, with little to no risk of wasted advertising spend.

Launching a new campaign to target regions, hoping to raise fundraising awareness among adults 18+, YouGov helped to ensure maximum return on investment for spend by using effective targeting and highly impactful media formats using YouGov FreeWall®.


As EAAA is a regional charity, it needs to engage specifically with the target audience that the community organisation serves. YouGov helped to geotarget consumers in specific locations with educational advertising around EAAA’s latest campaign.

To secure maximum impact with budget, EAAA used YouGov FreeWall® – our unique advertising format that always delivers 100% attention, 100% engagement and zero fraud.

FreeWall ad units work by locking premium publisher content after the first two paragraphs, encouraging readers to engage with advertising to unlock the rest of the article. FreeWall gave EAAA the opportunity to educate readers both on their new campaign and overall brand, all on a cost-per-engagement basis. This ensured that EAAA would only pay for verified consumer interaction with the ad, with no charge for those who choose not to engage.

YouGov FreeWall enabled EAAA to geotarget consumers across UK counties: Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire on news and culture publishing websites that included: ESi Media, Hearst, Kelsey and Netmums. Ads appeared on premium titles such as: The Independent, Evening Standard, Cosmopolitan, Esquire, Good Housekeeping and many more.

New to FreeWall, the YouGov team was very happy to provide end-to-end support for EAAA’s campaign, offering advice and assistance on creative, FreeWall questions and Call to Action messaging. Across all sites where FreeWall appeared, the reader had to correctly answer a question, demonstrating that they could recall the messaging in the advert, to continue reading the webpage they were on.

The final creative (shown below) highlighted the key campaign messages the charity wished to deliver – playing Match Bingo allows people to win up to £2,500 and helps East Anglian Air Ambulance to save lives.

Screenshot of FreeWall for EAAA CS


The campaign was very successful, with EAAA referring to it as their “best performing awareness campaign” for Match Bingo.

EAAA saw five times the click through rate compared to their benchmark, up from 1.7% to 8%+, and YouGov also delivered over 50,000 added value viewable impressions from those who didn’t interact with the ad.

91% of those who saw the Match Bingo FreeWall® advert clicked on the correct answer first time to unlock the content – a metric that proves messaging was delivered effectively and readers engage with FreeWall ads.

EAAA were very pleased with the format and outcome, and will be deploying future FreeWall advertising.

Client Testimonial

“This is the best performing awareness campaign we have run for Match Bingo. As a charity, we work with incredibly tight budgets and every investment counts. Using YouGov FreeWall® and gaining 100% attention with proven human engagement means our budget has really been maximized – we haven’t seen an 8% CTR in a long time!

We will be using YouGov FreeWall® again”

-Nikki Hopwood, Lottery and Gaming Lead