Phones and phone carriers – Are consumers looking at social media reviews before making a purchase decision?

Phones and phone carriers – Are consumers looking at social media reviews before making a purchase decision?

Kineree Shah - January 16th, 2023

According to a new YouGov study, social media reviews influence the purchasing habits of consumers looking to buy phones. More than two in five consumers globally say they check social media reviews of phones before buying them (45%) – the highest across all products/ services when compared to a range of other types of products and services.

Breaking down data by market, more than two-thirds of consumers from Indonesia say they check social media reviews of phones before purchasing them – the most across 17 markets. In Asia, Chinese (63%), Indians (63%), and Hong Kongers (57%) are more likely to consult social media for phone reviews than consumers from the UAE and Singapore (51% each).

In the European market, more than half of the consumers from Poland (54%), Italy (52%), and Spain (51%) check social media reviews before purchasing a phone. In comparison, Swedish (45%), Germans (37%), Danes (37%), and French (37%) are less likely to use social media for reviews. Britons (31%) and Americans (27%) are least likely to check phone reviews on social media before getting one of all 17 international markets.

When it comes to choosing a mobile phone network, consumers are less likely to turn to social platforms.

Globally just over a quarter of consumers get on social media to check for reviews before making a purchasing decision (27%). More than two in five consumers from Hong Kong (43%) consult social media for reviews before getting onto a mobile carrier – the highest across 17 markets. This is followed by India (39%) and Singapore (35%), where a third of consumers have the same viewpoint.

In Europe, a third of Polish (33%), Swedish (31%), Italian (31%) and Spanish consumers (30%) check social media reviews before making a purchasing decision when it comes to mobile phone carriers. Once again, Britons and Americans bring up the rear of the list of consumers likely to look at social media reviews before buying mobile phone networks.

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YouGov RealTime Omnibus provides quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. The data is based on surveys of adults aged 18 and over in 17 markets with sample sizes varying between 514 and 2011 for each market. All surveys were conducted online in October 2022. Data from each market uses a nationally representative sample apart from Mexico and India, which use urban representative samples, and Indonesia and Hong Kong, which use online representative samples. Learn more about YouGov RealTime Omnibus