Telco: 2022 trends and insights of the UK market
In this piece we are rounding up this year’s highlights of our content in the telecom sector in the UK market.
2022 may have been a bumpy year for some network service providers, with one in 10 Britons switching their phone carriers.
The switching was possibly driven by cost concerns in the face of the cost of living crisis. Two in five Britons consider price an important factor when choosing a phone carrier (46%). Other important factors include mobile coverage quality (43%) and trust in the company (30%). When it comes to the digital experience offered by carriers to consumers, only some are striking the right chord, with only a quarter of Britons satisfied with their network's digital offerings (26%).
Our data revealed a list of factors that Britons look for when choosing a handset. Value for money is important to three out of every six consumers (63%). The next biggest consideration is size of the screen (45%) and device (42%), with how it fits in hand (34%) taking precedence over the brand (32%).
While businesses can learn what consumers see as the most important factors when choosing a mobile, our data also reveals a list of factors they are least likely to consider. Among Britons, a third say product packaging plays the least important role when purchasing a phone (31%). Nearly a fifth are least likely to consider the brand (18%) while more than one in 10 say the handset’s environmental impact is the least important (15%) factor for them.
About two in five Britons use their phones at least once a day to browse social media (36%), so are they likely to notice phone endorsements by social media influencers? While 42% globally are likely to notice them, British consumers are least likely to do so, with 78% saying they are ‘not at all influenced’. Most consumers don’t want to see ads on their lock screen, but you can find out who’s interested in seeing them in this detailed piece.
2022 was a crucial year for the acceleration of 5G in many markets. Nearly a fifth of Britons already have 5G capabilities with their cell phone (18%), while a third have a compatible data plan (33%). But half of consumers still do not intend to upgrade their phone to access 5G in 2023. (49%).
This is just a brief outline of what we covered in 2022. Stay tuned for more news on 5G updates, consumers purchasing habits, and phone carrier insights.
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Photo by Eren Li on Pexels