Urban Indians have a positive view of AI technology but expect the government to regulate it

Urban Indians have a positive view of AI technology but expect the government to regulate it

Bhawna Singh - May 3rd, 2023

New data from YouGov shows more than half of urban Indians (55%) feel AI-based advancements will be good for them personally. Men are more likely than women to feel this way (59% vs 50%).

Data from the survey shows that consumers in India are more likely to be well-informed about AI-based tech generation platforms like Chat GPT. Nearly half (45%) said they know a lot about it and 41% know a little.

A majority have used any on of these platforms personally (53%). The most common use of AI technology (chatbots, text generators, etc) among urban Indians has been for online shopping, and more than two in five (43%) sought its help for this purpose. Following this, teaching/ learning (41%), smart assistants at home (34%), and ordering food (32%) are other areas where people claim to have taken AI assistance.

Many have used the technology for travel and accommodation booking (29%) and financial planning (26%). Less than a fifth (18%) claim they have not used this technology for anything.

Thinking about the effect of Artificial Intelligence in the area of work, urban Indians are likely to see a more favourable than unfavourable impact of the technology on businesses and its employees. Seven in ten (69%) urban Indians think the application of AI will increase productivity at work. Many feel it will enhance the quality of work (65%), remote work capabilities (62%), and customer satisfaction (61%).

The impact of AI on operating costs is debatable and an equal proportion think it will increase or decrease the cost. The only area where respondents envision a negative impact of AI is around jobs, where they are more likely to say it will decrease rather than increase opportunities (at 43% vs 36%).

Even though urban Indians have a favourable view of the technology, nearly three-quarters (74%) think the government should regulate the use of artificial intelligence in the workplace and only a quarter (26%) think they shouldn’t.

Methodology:YouGov Surveys: Servicedprovide quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. The data is based on a survey of urban Indian adults aged 18+ years with a sample size of 1052 respondents. The survey was conducted online in April 2023.  Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.