US: Mercedes-Benz USA marketing head retires - How did the brand perform during his tenure?

US: Mercedes-Benz USA marketing head retires - How did the brand perform during his tenure?

Lesley Simeon - February 3rd, 2023

Drew Slaven, who was Mercedes-Benz USA’s chief marketing officer since January 2014, has stepped down from his role and left the company. The carmaker’s CEO (USA), in a memo addressed to the brand’s dealers informed them of Slaven’s retirement, and said that they will be informed of the company’s “succession plans in due time.”

How did Slaven’s stint as CMO, spanning close to a decade, impact Mercedes-Benz?

According to YouGov BrandIndex - which tracks consumer sentiment towards thousands of brands daily - Mercedes-Benz’s Ad Awareness scores in the US picked up last year.

The brand’s Ad Awareness score - which indicates how many and which consumers are noticing the brand’s advertising - went from 21% on January 1, 2014 (at the start of Slaven’s tenure as CMO) to 14% on February 1, 2023.

Mercedes-Benz’s Current Customer scores in the US increased marginally in the observation period. The brand’s Consideration score - which indicates how many consumers are considering purchasing from the brand, when next in market - grew two percentage points from 7% on January 1, 2014 to 9% on February 1, 2023.

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Methodology:YouGov BrandIndex collects data on thousands of brands every day.

Mercedes-Benz’ Ad Awareness score is based on the question: Which of the following brands have you seen an advertisement for in the past two weeks? and delivered as a percentage. Its Current Customer score is based on the question: Do you currently have a product or service from any of the following brands? and delivered as a percentage. Its Consideration score is based on the question: When you are in the market next to purchase from any of the following brands, from which of the following would you consider purchasing? and delivered as a percentage. Scores are based on an average daily sample size of 7438 US adults between 1 January 2014 and 1 February 2023. Figures are based on a 12-week moving average. Learn more about BrandIndex.

Photo by

Philipp Katzenberger

