US and GB: Samsung inks 5G patent deal with Nokia - What do consumers think about 5G technology?

US and GB: Samsung inks 5G patent deal with Nokia - What do consumers think about 5G technology?

Lesley Simeon - January 30th, 2023

Samsung has announced a new cross-license patent agreement with Nokia, following the expiry of a previous one around the end of 2022. Under the new multi-year agreement, the South Korean firm’s smartphones and other mobile devices will leverage Nokia’s ‘fundamental inventions’ in 5G and other technologies. Samsung will make royalty payments to the Finnish company for its 5G patents, starting 1 January 2023.

What do Samsung consumers feel about using 5G technology?

According to YouGov Profiles - which covers demographic, psychographic, attitudinal and behavioral consumer metrics - Americans seem to be more concerned than Britons about 5G technology’s impact on data privacy or safety risks if at all the technology fails.

Nearly half (46%) of Americans who currently own a consumer electronics product from Samsung agree that “5G technology improves (their) digital experience.”

Similarly, more than a third of them (35%) agree that “having 5G benefits (their) life in many ways” and 20% of them are “willing to pay more money to access 5G.”

On the other hand, 45% of Americans who own a consumer electronics product from Samsung agree they “have concerns about 5G and (their) data privacy.” A near-similar number of respondents (43%) also agree that they are “concerned about the safety risks” if 5G technology were to fail.

As for Great Britain, while 39% Britons who currently own a product from Samsung agree that 5G improves their digital experience, 18% are “willing to pay more money to access 5G technology.”

But 32% each also seem to have concerns about 5G and their data privacy, and 26% agree they are “concerned about the safety risks if 5G technology fails.”

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Methodology:YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data for the US and GB is nationally representative and weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race. Learn more about Profiles.  

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