How OYO uses YouGov BrandIndex to identify growth opportunities and measure the impact of marketing

How OYO uses YouGov BrandIndex to identify growth opportunities and measure the impact of marketing

Emily Patel - January 27th, 2023

The challenge

OYO needed to track and measure the long-term health of their brand.

The solution

YouGov BrandIndex was used to gauge brand engagement and perception amongst different consumer groups.

The results

Granular understanding of brand perception, helping to shape campaigns and communication strategy.

Business challenge

OYO is a global platform that empowers entrepreneurs and small businesses with hotels and homes by providing full stack technology that increases earnings and eases operations.

Since its inception, OYO has seen tremendous growth, and the company was looking for a reliable data source that could help it assess consumers’ perceptions of their brand and allow them to monitor brand health on a day-to-day basis.

Alongside this, OYO needed a way to monitor the impact of their brand investment and help them to optimize their future spending on the brand.

Solution & approach

OYO engaged YouGov BrandIndex, an industry-leading daily brand tracking tool that measures public perception of brands across 16 key metrics. Within the tool, OYO was able to identify the metrics that were most useful for them - Consideration and Impression – and use them as clear KPIs to benchmark against. Meanwhile, the company used BrandIndex’s media metrics (Ad Awareness, Buzz, Attention and Word of Mouth) to understand the impact of brand’s campaigns amongst their target audiences.

Additionally, OYO added their own bespoke questions, enabling them to evaluate brand trust, reputation, and drivers amongst their target audiences on a specific, deeply granular level. This customized data was made available to OYO via YouGov Crunch, our powerful, easy-to-use survey data analysis tool.

Using BrandIndex also allowed OYO to closely compare its performance versus other competitors in the hospitality space, and look at cross-category benchmarks to compare scores with other technology brands tracked by YouGov.


YouGov has been working closely with OYO for over a year, providing a constant stream of up-to-date information about their brand, category and competitors. The weekly data refreshes are supported by bi-monthly reports from YouGov, which deep-dive into any changes in trends and answer specific business questions. This proved especially valuable during the COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted patterns in travel and changed consumer demand.

YouGov BrandIndex has helped shape the brand’s growth strategy by highlighting the untapped market potential that exists for the brand. By understanding the profile of its customers vs non-customers, OYO identified a new target audience with more potential to drive growth, which has been integrated as part of the brand’s communication strategy for the past year.

Following their initial success with the tool, OYO decided to expand their use of YouGov BrandIndex to other markets, and is now using it to strengthen their business in the US.

Client testimonial

“The team at YouGov have truly partnered us in our journey from the very beginning of this relationship. Their precision in gauging brand metrics has helped us to take decisions and create interventions that have clearly helped the needle move. The team is precise, thorough, adaptive and shows us the mirror every time. A brutally honest and agile team that has a perspective beyond reporting.”

Nishant Jayaswal, Global Brand Strategy Director

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