US: Chick-fil-A faces data breach allegations – how do customers feel about data privacy?

US: Chick-fil-A faces data breach allegations – how do customers feel about data privacy?

Joshua Kennedy - January 25th, 2023

Quick-service restaurant Chick-fil-A has been sued for allegedly sending personally identifiable information to a third party. The lawsuit alleges that the fast-food chain has violated the US federal law - Video Privacy Protection Act - by sharing personally identifiable information about people’s video viewership without their consent.

How concerned are Chick-fil-A customers about their data privacy in general?

According to YouGov Profiles – which covers demographic, psychographic, attitudinal, and behavioral consumer metrics – nearly two-thirds (63%) of Chick-fil-A’s Current Customers "tend to agree" or "definitely agree" with the statement that says: "I am worried about how much data people have about me on the internet."

Conversely, over a quarter (26%) of the brand’s US-based customers "disagree" to different degrees with this statement. Just over one in 10 of Chick-fil-A’s customers seem to be on the fence and "neither agree nor disagree" with the statement.

In line with the national trends, most Chick-fil-A customers seem to be uncomfortable with the data online advertisers have on them. Over two-thirds (67%) of Chick-fil-A customers "tend to agree" or "definitely agree" with the statement: "It’s creepy how well online advertisements know me." This aligns with proportion of US general population (65%) who share similar sentiments.

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Methodology: YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data for the US is nationally representative and weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race. Learn more about Profiles.

Picture credits: By Brad on Unsplash