US: DoorDash launches prepaid package service: How has the brand been doing?
Online food delivery company, DoorDash, rolled out a package pickup service in early January of this year. The service allows customers to have their prepaid packages picked up by "Dashers” and dropped off at their local UPS, FedEx, or U.S. Postal Service locations.
How has DoorDash performed since it launched its package pickup service?
According to YouGov BrandIndex – which tracks consumer sentiment towards thousands of brands daily – DoorDash’s metrics have improved since the launch.
The brand’s Index score – which measures average Impressions, Value, Quality, Reputation, Satisfaction, and Recommendation scores for the brand – progressed from a net score of 4 on 1 January 2023 to a net score of 8 on 17 January. The Index score peaked at 10 on 7 January during this period.
As per YouGov data, the California-based company’s Satisfaction score – which measures if customers are satisfied or dissatisfied with the brand – also improved. The Satisfaction score rose from a net score of 3 on 1 January to a net score of 7 on 17 January. The score peaked at 13 on 8 January.
Relative to the other metrics, the 10-year-old delivery service’s Current Customer score – which measures the percentage of people who have visited the online brand in the past 30 days (via desktop/laptop, tablet, or mobile phone) – did not improve much. The score peaked at 14% on 6 January to 9% on 17 January, recovering from a low of 8% during the period.
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Methodology: YouGov BrandIndex collects data on thousands of brands every day. DoorDash’s net Index score is based on the brand's average impressions, Value, Quality, Reputation, Satisfaction, and Recommendation scores. The scores are delivered as a net score between -100 and +100.
The brand’s Satisfaction score is based on the question: "Of which of the following online brands would you say that you are a "SATISFIED CUSTOMER"? / Of which of the following online brands would you say that you are a "DISSATISFIED CUSTOMER"?" The scores are delivered as a net score between -100 and +100.
DoorDash’s Current Customer score is based on the question: “Have you visited any of the following online brands in the past 30 days (through desktop/laptop, tablet, or mobile phone)?" The scores are delivered as a percentage.
Scores are based on an average daily sample size of 292 US-based adults between 1 January 2023 and 15 January 2023. Figures are based on a 3-day moving average. Learn more about BrandIndex.