How are Americans likely to travel this year to reach their holiday destination?

How are Americans likely to travel this year to reach their holiday destination?

Janice Fernandes - August 5th, 2022

After limited travel in the last two years due to the pandemic, people are eager to see a little more of the world this summer. Data from YouGov Global Travel Profiles reveals that in July 2022, over half of Americans (54%) intend to go on a trip in the next 12 months.

But how do people plan to travel to their destinations? Using data from a new YouGov Realtime survey, we look at the modes of transport likely to be used by travelers in the United States.

Despite rising fuel prices, nearly three-quarters of Americans (73%) say that the next time they travel, they will be driving themselves to the destination – either in an owned personal vehicle (61%) or a rented one (12%).

Slightly over a quarter of consumers opt for airplanes (29%) – though this figure could be impacted by the recent flight delays seen across the country.

Roughly one in ten Americans (12%) will likely use public transport on their next trip. That share is halved among people who would pick cruise liners as their preferred of mode of transport (6%).

Although a plurality of consumers across all age groups prefer to travel by their own personal vehicle, older Americans are more likely to pick this option – 69% of 55+-year-olds. Over a third of consumers aged 18-34 years old (34%) pick airplanes as their preferred mode of travel. Planes, though, are less likely to be a popular mode of transport among 35-54-year-olds (28%) and those aged 55+ (25%).

Methodology: YouGov RealTime Omnibus provides quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. This study was conducted online between July 21-25,2022, with a nationally representative sample of 1,348 US adults aged 18 and older. Data figures have been weighted to be nationally representative. Learn more about YouGov RealTime Omnibus.

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