GB/US: Will video consumption habits change with the easing of COVID-19 restrictions?

GB/US: Will video consumption habits change with the easing of COVID-19 restrictions?

Janice Fernandes - June 27th, 2022

The pandemic disrupted routines for many, changing media consumption as reported in YouGov’s Global Media Outlook Report 2022. But are viewing habits here to stay despite an ease of restrictions on in-person activities? In a new survey we ask consumers in Great Britain and US whether they agree or disagree with two statements – I plan to spend less time watching TV/video as restrictions ease and I enjoy watching TV/video even more now than before the pandemic.

Even as restrictions ease, Americans are less likely to reduce their TV watching time. Around two in ten Americans agree that they plan to spend less time watching TV (21%). However, nearly a third (29%) disagree. On the other hand, a quarter of Brits agree (25%) that they plan to spend less time in front of the screen, but a similar share also disagrees (24%).

A large proportion of consumers in both markets are still undecided on their plans when it comes to reducing time spent watching TV (44% GB and 40% US). This could mean that many consumers are still unsure about fully resuming their pre-pandemic activities.

Do consumers enjoy watching video content more now?

During the multiple lockdowns across the world, streaming and television viewing saw a huge surge in viewership. However, when asked if they enjoy watching TV even more now than before the pandemic, more than a quarter of consumers in both Britain and the US told us that they don’t (27% each). While around two in ten Brits (19%) and Americans (24%) are enjoying their TV more right now, that’s still a lower proportion than those who aren’t.

When broken down by gender, data indicates that American women are least likely to plan to reduce the time spent watching TV (19% agree and 30% disagree). On the other hand, British women are most likely to agree with the statement, registering slightly over a quarter of consumers (26%).

Men from both markets are as likely to say they plan to spend less time consuming TV/video content (23% and 24% respectively). American men are more likely to disagree, with British men registering four points lesser (27% US and 23% GB).

Between both markets, American women are most likely to say they enjoy watching TV more now (25%), but American men are not far behind (22%). British women also register around two in ten (22%) who say their affinity towards video content has grown since the beginning of the pandemic. However, British men are less likely to say the same, registering six points (16%) lower than women.

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Methodology: The data is based on interviews of adults aged 18 and over in US and Great Britain with sample sizes of 1,488 in US and 2,014 in GB. All interviews were conducted online in April 2022. Data from both market uses a nationally representative sample.