Thai Twitter users mostly excited about the platform’s acquisition by Elon Musk

Thai Twitter users mostly excited about the platform’s acquisition by Elon Musk

Fiona Robinson - May 9th, 2022

More think the potential removal of moderation would facilitate healthy debates, rather than propagate hate speech and misinformation

Two weeks after Twitter announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by tech mogul and billionaire Elon Musk, latest data from YouGov RealTime Omnibus indicates Thai Twitter users (defined as those who say they are a member of the platform) were feeling positive about the new leadership. Four in ten users were excited about the acquisition (39%) – with men significantly more likely to say so (43%) – while a further one in ten happy to hear the news (10%).

After excitement, Thai Twitter users next most likely to express surprise. Women were more likely to be of this opinion, with a quarter saying so (24%).

A fewer one in ten of overall Twitter users expressed worry (8%), while one in six said they were unaware of the announcement (16%) – almost half of which were aged 45 and above (40%).

Despite the largely positive sentiment toward the acquisition, four in ten Twitter users who were aware of, and had a reaction (i.e., were either surprised, worried, happy, angry, sad, etc.) to, the news said they would modify their behaviour to share select opinions on the platform (39%).

A further one in six said they will post less (16%), while a slightly smaller proportion will take more drastic action to switch to other social media platforms and not engage with Twitter (13%). Young adults aged 18-24 are most likely to do the latter, with one in five saying they would switch platforms (19%).

Conversely, another one in eight say the change in leadership will enable them to post more on the platform (13%). Those above the age of 55 felt most strongly about this, with one in five agreeing (17%).

When Twitter users were asked how the potential removal of moderation would affect the future of the platform, almost half agreed that this would facilitate healthy debates and free speech (43%).

Meanwhile, an additional third said it might result in the propagation of hate speech and misinformation (31%). Women are significantly more likely to think the platform will develop this way, with almost four in ten saying so (36%).

Another fifth said this would not have any drastic impact (17%), while a final one in ten are unsure (9%).


YouGov RealTime Omnibus provides quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. This study was conducted online on 28 April to 3 May 2022, with a nationally representative sample of 2,042 adults in Thailand (aged 18+ years), using a questionnaire designed by YouGov. Twitter members (aka ‘users’) accounted for 988 of the 2,042 respondents. Data figures have been weighted by gender, age, region and monthly household income to be representative of the adult Thai online population (18 years or older), and reflect the latest National Statistical Office of Thailand (NSO) population estimates. Learn more about YouGov RealTime Omnibus.