US Advertisers of the Month: Capital One, Cracker Barrel and Reese’s (April 2022)

US Advertisers of the Month: Capital One, Cracker Barrel and Reese’s (April 2022)

Hoang Nguyen - May 4th, 2022

This April, YouGov’s monthly analysis of the brands showing the highest month-to-month growth in Ad Awareness features Capital One, Cracker Barrel and Reese’s. Ad Awareness asks panelists if they’ve seen an advertisement for the brand in the past two weeks.

Data from

YouGov BrandIndex

- which monitors consumer perceptions toward brands on a daily basis - shows that banking company Capital One’s Ad Awareness score grew by 3.5 points throughout the last month, shortly after becoming the “

official bank and credit card partner

” of Major League Baseball in late March.

In addition to being a sponsor for the World Series, the Capital One deal allows the bank to use MLB and its 30 teams in ad campaigns. Capital One’s Ad Awareness score grew by +3.5-points throughout the last month.

Restaurant chain Cracker Barrel grew its Ad Awareness score by 3.9 points from the end of March to its highest point in April. The Tennessee-based company

recently added craft beverages to its beer and wine offerings at more than 500 stores nationwide


Roughly 11% of US consumers say they saw an Ad for Cracker Barrel throughout the month of April.

Ad Awareness for Hershey-owned Reese’s also edged up by 3 points in April .The candy brand debuted a pantry pack of 25 individually wrapped Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup last month and is also offering Reese’s lovers a chance to win free Reese’s for life until July as part of its Reese’s Love You Back promotion.