Malaysia: Ramadan donation trends in 2022
Are Malaysians planning to give donations / zakat during Ramadan this year?
Latest research from YouGov RealTime Omnibus shows that more than one-third (37%) of Malaysians say they will be making charitable donations or zakat fitrah this Hari Raya Puasa/Aidilfitri.
Around two-thirds (65%) are planning to mark the occasion by shopping, almost half (48%) plan to put their cash towards savings, while more than a quarter (27%) are planning to put some money into long-term investments.
Are Malaysians likely to donate more, less, or the same zakat amounts this year?
More than two in five Malaysians (42%) are likely to donate the same amount of zakat this Ramadan as they did last year. Meanwhile, 31% say they are likely to donate a smaller amount this year, while 27% plan to give a larger sum. No significant differences were observed between different age groups, genders, or geographical regions.
How are Malaysians planning to donate this Ramadan?
In terms of donation types, the vast majority of Malaysians (90%) plan to make some/all of their donations in cash, while more than half (57%) plan to give some/all of their donations through purchased items. This is true across different age groups, genders, and geographical regions.
In terms of donation method, around half of Malaysians (51%) plan to donate cash to charity organisations via an online transfer. The next two most popular ways include: donating cash to family members and friends for distribution to the needy (43%) and donating cash to recipients directly (35%).
Segmenting by gender shows that Indonesian women are slightly more likely than men to make donations through a charity organisation (female 79% vs male 70%), and slightly less likely to donate directly to their recipients (female 41% vs male 52%).
Methodology: YouGov RealTime Omnibus provides quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. This study was conducted online on 10 March 2022, with a nationally representative sample of 1127 adults in Malaysia (aged 18+ years) of Malay ethnicity, using a questionnaire designed by YouGov. Data figures have been weighted by gender, age, race, state to be representative of the adult Malaysian online population (18 years or older) of Malay ethnicity, and reflect the 2018 population estimates from the Malaysian Department of Statistics Bureau (DOSM). Learn more about YouGov RealTime Omnibus.
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