UK: What are people looking for from a gym membership?

UK: What are people looking for from a gym membership?

YouGov - February 18th, 2022

Despite the comments of TV star Kirstie Allsopp this month, gym memberships continue to be a popular option for Brits looking to keep fit. According to data from YouGov profiles, 13% of the British population has a gym membership, with a further 3% enjoying a membership of a specialty studio.

As the industry continues its recovery, a new YouGov poll conducted in the UK reveals how many consumers are considering membership, and what consumers most value when picking a new gym.

Our data suggests 16% of Brits are not currently gym members but would consider joining one in the next three months.

Cost (58%), location (46%) and equipment (39%) rank highest among consumers in general with those aspects ranking highest among those without a gym membership but considering one (66%, 62% and 55% respectively).

Millennials in the UK are more likely than the general public to place a great deal of importance on whether the facility has enough machines at peak times (35% vs. 25%); that it has the right equipment (53% vs. 46%); membership grants access to other locations (12% vs. 6%); and if it has perks like free food and social events (11% vs. 5%).

Women place a much higher value on the variety of classes compared with men (23% vs. 8%); consider cleanliness more so than men (41% vs. 33%); and take cost into account more (61% vs. 55%).

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Methodology: YouGov polled 1,120 British adults online on February 9, 2022 between4:17 p.m. and 8:25 p.m. BST. The survey was carried out through YouGov Direct. Data is weighted by age, gender, education level, region, and social grade. Results are nationally representative of adults in Great Britain. The margin of error is 2.9% for the overall sample. Learn more about YouGov Direct.