YouGov Travel & Tourism Rankings 2022 Japan
YouGov’s Travel & Tourism: Brand & Destination Rankings Report 2022 reveals the top ranked consumer brands within the sector, and the destinations consumers favor most across the globe. The data is drawn from our daily brand and destination tracking tools, BrandIndex and DestinationIndex which continuously measure the public’s perception of travel brands and tourist destinations globally.
In Japan, travel brand Tokyo Disney Resort led the list this year with a score of 47.5. But chasing close behind, ANA came in second with a score of 44.9. In third and fourth position were Universal Studios Japan and Japan Airlines (JAL) respectively scoring 39.7 and 35.0. Rounding out the top five Imperial Hotel scored 31.1.
Rank | Brand Name | Score |
1 | Tokyo Disney Resort | 47.5 |
2 | ANA | 44.9 |
3 | Universal Studios Japan | 39.7 |
4 | Japan Airlines (JAL) | 35.0 |
5 | Imperial Hotel | 31.1 |
6 | Huis Ten Bosch | 24.3 |
7 | JTB | 24.2 |
8 | Hotel New Otani | 23.7 |
9 | Hotel Okura | 23.5 |
10 | Hilton | 21.3 |
Download the report to uncover the rankings in full, and to find out which tourist hotspots are the most popular, plus discover key opportunities for success within the sector in 2022.
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The data included in the YouGov Travel and Tourism Brand and Destination Rankings 2022 has been drawn from YouGov BrandIndex and YouGov DestinationIndex respectively. The markets included in this report are UK, US, China, Japan, Germany, UAE, Indonesia, France and Australia.
For the brand ranking, brands were ranked based on their Impression score, which is a measure of whether a consumer has a positive or negative impression of a brand calculated by taking the average net score for the year of 2021 (1st January 2021 – 31st December 2021). Consumers were asked “Which of the following brands do you have a positive impression of?”, then "Which of the following brands do you have a negative impression of?".
For the destination ranking, consumers were asked “Overall, which of the following destinations do you have a positive impression of?” then "Overall, which of the following destinations do you have a negative impression of?". The score shown is the average net score from January 2022 vs. January 2021.
The brand and destination rankings charts show those brands/destinations which received the highest average score. The scores for both the brand and destination ranking are representative of the general population of adults 18+ for all markets (Indonesia and China are online representative).
All scores listed have been rounded to a single decimal place; however, we have used additional precision to assign ranks. All brands must be tracked for at least six months to be included in either ranking.