Gauging interest in playing Take-Two titles on mobile

Gauging interest in playing Take-Two titles on mobile

Graeme Bruce - January 13th, 2022

It could very well be the biggest acquisition in video game history. Take-Two Interactive intends to purchase Zynga for $12.7 billion, laying bare its ambitions to expand into the mobile gaming business using the Farmville developer’s expertise.

“We see tremendous untapped potential to bring Take-Two’s renowned console and PC properties to mobile, a high-priority initiative that will be energized by the addition of Zynga’s leading development, publishing, and live operations teams,” Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick said, according to reporting from The Verge.

A new poll conducted by YouGov in the United States and the United Kingdom reveals interest level in playing mobile versions of Take-Two's biggest titles and where potential growth may be found for the new super-publisher.


First, let’s take a look at those who have played a Take-Two title on PC or console in the last year in the US. Looking at action-adventure game Mafia, PGA Tour 2K, and strategy title Civilization, we see the greatest difference between the proportion of gamers who have played each in the last year and those who are interested in playing a mobile version of these titles. Data shows 4% of PC or console gamers have played a Mafia installment in the last year, but that 11% are interested in playing a version for smartphone or tablet; In the case of PGA Tour 2K, 6% have played the franchise but 12% are interested in playing a handheld version. As for Civilization, 12% have played and 19% are intrigued by the idea of playing a portable version.

iOS and Android users can already play a mobile version of Civilization 6. Other franchises on our list also have mobile entries in their catalogue, including a few from Grand Theft Auto and XCOM.

We see similar results when we look at America's mobile gamers. A sizable portion of this group is primed to play mobile versions of the same trio of games – Civilization (12% are interested in a mobile version), PGA Tour 2K (8%), and Mafia (7%).

Grand Theft Auto remains Take-Two's most successful title, and therefore the proportion of console and PC gamers who play it (42%) – and who are interested in playing a mobile version of it (29%) – is high. However, it’s one of only three titles where the percentage of those interested in a handheld version is lower than the proportion of gamers who currently play it.


Turning to gamers in the United Kingdom, we generally see a smaller proportion of them playing Take-Two titles as well as fewer interested in in playing mobile versions. That said, similar patterns emerge albeit with some slight differences. Interest in playing a mobile version of Civilizations is high in relation to its player base in the UK, with 12% who have played it in the last year and 15% interested in a to-go version of the title. Among mobile gamers in Britain, we see significant portion keen to play a mobile version of Grand Theft Auto (17%).

As Take-Two explores expanding its iconic titles into the mobile gaming space, this data shows which expansions may prove the most fruitful.

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Methodology: YouGov polled 1,200 US adults online on January 10, 2022. The survey was carried out through YouGov Direct. Data is weighted by age, gender, education level, political affiliation, and ethnicity. Results are nationally representative of adults in the United States. The margin of error is 2.8% for the overall sample. Learn more about YouGov Direct.

YouGov polled 1,096 British adults online January 10 – 11, 2022. The survey was carried out through YouGov Direct. Data is weighted by age, gender, education level, region, and social grade. Results are nationally representative of adults in Great Britain. The margin of error is 3.0% for the overall sample. Learn more about YouGov Direct.

Image: Rockstar