What are car buyers looking for?

What are car buyers looking for?

Tove Keldsen - January 6th, 2022

YouGov’s latest Profile Peeks reveals that one in seven (14%) in the Nordics are likely to purchase a car in the next 12 months. Who are they? What are their attitudes toward electrical vehicles and what do they think about the different car brands?

This Profile Peek dives into the attitudes and behaviors of potential car buyers. From their motivation and concerns to their media habits and attitudes to advertising. Discover key insights on car buyers in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland

Download these free Profile Peeks, for unique insights, including:

  • Demographics
  • Media consumption
  • Engine type considered
  • Attitudes to car brands
  • And more

Fill in the form to receive the Profile Peeks

About Profile Peeks

Drawing on data from across YouGov’s vast connected ecosystem, Profile Peeks are infographics that deep dive into a niche audience group segmented based on trending sector topics. Showcasing a range of behavioural and attitudinal insights they are designed to help brands and agencies get that little bit closer to the consumers they need to understand most.