Black Friday: Who’s picking up gifts – and who’s buying for themselves?
While Boxing Day remains the single busiest shopping day of the year in the Britain, a quarter of consumers say they’ll likely buy holiday gifts for friends and family on Black Friday (24%), according to new YouGov polling.
The survey also revealed one in ten intend to buy themselves gadgets on the important retail day (10%).
We see those aged 25-34 slightly more likely to pick something up for themselves compared to other age groups (15%). Higher-earning Brits -- those reporting a household income of £60,000 or more – are also a little more likely to pick something up for themselves (15%).
It’s the younger cohort, those 18-24, that are most likely to take advantage of Black Friday deals to pick up gifts for others (37%). Again, looking at income, we see the highest bracket most likely taking advantage of the deals (29%).
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Methodology: Total sample size was 2,008 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 11 - 12 November 2021. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+).