How a global music company uses YouGov solutions to monitor artist resonance

How a global music company uses YouGov solutions to monitor artist resonance

Maria Jose Contreras - July 6th, 2021


Collect data on core health metrics and personality attributes for a selection of artists, providing a basis for future talent investment.


A custom tracker with bespoke metrics was implemented across a nationally representative sample of UK adults.


A double-layered artist tracker with additional analysis showing fanbase demographics in detail.

Business challenge

As an internationally recognized music company, building and investing in artists and their brands is an important part of the client’s success. The client wanted to collect core health metrics on a selection of artists under their labels, and competitor artists, to identify any trends or shifts after new album launches / re-positioning work.

The client was unsatisfied with the UK market coverage of their existing brand tracker and wanted the ability to track UK artists across a variety of custom metrics.


YouGov built a custom tracker with bespoke metrics, which was implemented across a nationally representative sample of 2,000 UK adults (aged 16+), six waves per annum. This enabled the client to track their key performance indicators more effectively. YouGov refined the metrics that would provide the most useful insights:

  • Overall awareness
  • Likeability
  • Awareness of activity in the last three months

140 artists were asked the three core metrics per wave, occurring bi-monthly. Bespoke additional questions can also be added when required for any topical questions the client wants to ask, and the data can be integrated with YouGov Profiles, our audience intelligence tool, for additional intelligence.


Integrating the bespoke artist tracker data with our audience profiling tool, YouGov Profiles, the client was able to add another layer of analysis to their artist tracker. This added analysis enabled the client to understand how best to reach their target audience for a new album launch or upcoming concert, as well as providing insights on wider media consumption, attitudes and interests.

The client could easily monitor which audience groups their artists were performing best with across their three identified key performance metrics, as well as understand how they compared to competitors.

The new tracker helps to deliver an in-depth understanding of fast-moving industry trends, allowing the client a constantly relevant, data-informed outlook on talent within the UK market.

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