Honda Motorcycles tops YouGov Indonesia’s 2021 Automotive Rankings
- YouGov releases global ranking of best car brands
- Seven of the top consists of Japanese automotive manufacturers
- Mercedes-Benz comes up top for Reputation (+42.3), BMW scores second (+39.0)
- Honda Motorcycles consumers far more satisfied than rest of competition
Honda (Motorcycles) tops YouGov’s 2021 Automotive Rankings for Indonesia with an Index score of +46.0, making it the automotive brand with the best overall brand health according to Indonesians.
The rankings are compiled using YouGov BrandIndex Index score, a measure of overall brand health calculated by taking the average of Impression, Quality, Value, Satisfaction, Recommend and Reputation scores. The rankings are measured from 1 February 2020 to 31 January 2021.

Honda (Motorcycles) tops the charts in every metric bar one, particularly when it comes to Satisfaction with a score of +44.0, making it 22.7 points ahead of Toyota, the brand with next highest score in this metric (+21.3). This means that Honda (Motorcycles) customers are the most likely to be satisfied with their vehicles, compared to the rest of its consumers. The one metric however that Honda (Motorcycles) falls behind on is Reputation (which measures the corporate reputation of a brand by asking which brands consumers would be proud of working for). It comes in fifth (+32.4) in that metric, beaten out by Mercedes-Benz (+42.3), BMW (+39.0), Honda Cars (+35.7) and Toyota (+34.3).
Japanese automotive brands dominate the top ten, with seven of the brands from Japan. Second in the list is Toyota with a score of +36.6, followed by Honda (Cars) in third (+35.6). Though Honda (Cars) comes in third, it narrowly beats Toyota in two metrics – Recommend and Quality. Honda (Cars) has a Recommend score of +41.8 (compared to +40.8 for Toyota), and a Quality score of +43.2 (compared to +42.0 for Toyota).
Yamaha comes in fourth (+25.6) followed by the only two German brands in the list Mercedes-Benz (+23.4) and BMW (+22.9) in fifth and sixth respectively.
Mitsubishi places seventh with a score of +17.7. Daihatsu comes in eighth (+13.5) overall, but fare well in the Satisfaction metric coming in fifth (+5.5).
The top ten is rounded off with Nissan in ninth (+11.8) and British brand Land Rover in tenth (+10.4). Land Rover lags in all metrics with the exception of Reputation. It holds Reputation score of (+17.0), coming ahead of Nissan (+13.5) and Daihatsu (+12.7).