What voters think about Joe Biden’s political advertisement “Heal America”

What voters think about Joe Biden’s political advertisement “Heal America”

Linley Sanders - August 27th, 2020

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden released a 60-second political advertisement this week that touts his ticket as the solution to issues ranging from the coronavirus pandemic to race relations. A YouGov snap poll indicates that most registered voters view the video, “Heal America” as a positive (63%) and effective (59%) advertisement.

The clip opens with images of Americans wearing masks and the voiceover begins: “For the first time in American history, we’re living through four crises at the same time: a public health crisis, an economic crisis, a climate crisis, and a national reckoning on racial injustice.” The spot cuts to videos of Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, and continues: “We need a team that’s up to the task. Leaders who can rally the nation to fight this virus... Together they’ll lead America, unite America, and heal America.”

The YouGov snap poll asked 1,000 registered voters to watch the “Heal America” advertisement and share their opinions on its tone. All voters were asked to put aside their own political affiliation while evaluating the clip. About half of registered voters classified the advertisement as inspiring (53%) and honest (52%).

Democrats are especially likely to view “Heal America” as effective (88%), positive (87%), honest (85%), and inspiring (82%). Republicans are split on whether the advertisement — which does not mention President Donald Trump directly — as positive (31%) or negative (38%) in tone. There is a majority consensus among Republicans that the clip is ineffective (74%), dishonest (71%), and uninspiring (57%).

However, political Independents — who may be more persuadable — seem to like the advertisement. This group calls “Heal America” positive (64%), effective (61%), inspiring (55%), and honest (52%). In fact, positive opinion of Biden increased six points among Independents after watching the advertisement. Positive opinion increased five points among Democrats (83% to 88%) and registered voters overall (50% to 55%).

Positive opinion of Harris increased nine points among Independents after watching the advertisement (45% to 54%). It increased six points among registered voters (47% to 53%) and five points among Democrats (82% to 87%).

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Methodology: This article is based on a flash poll of 1,000 registered voters surveyed via YouGov Direct on August 24, 2020 between 6:00 p.m. and 7:47 p.m. This YouGov Direct Poll was weighted according to age, gender, race, education, and 2016 presidential vote. The margin of error is ±3.8%

Image: Getty