YouGov Ad of the Month – Indonesia: Dettol

YouGov Ad of the Month – Indonesia: Dettol

Kim Ho - April 2nd, 2020

This month, disinfectant brand Dettol is the brand that has achieved the highest uplift in its Ad Awareness over the past month.

The rise coincides with their latest campaign promoting tips to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The ad has over three and a half million views on YouTube alone.

Launched about a month ago, the succinct ad feature the brand’s synonymous green colour palette, showing a child sneezing, and beauty queen and Dettol ambassador Reisa Broto Asmoro speaking about how easily germs can be transmitted. This cuts to a visual of the child washing his hands and using hand sanitiser. What is notable is the absence of the brand’s logo – the ad instead promotes hygiene as a whole, and lists seven tips to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.


Even without obvious branding, through this PSA style ad using only the brand’s clearly recognisable colours, YouGov BrandIndex data shows that Dettol’s ads have captured Indonesians attentions. Dettol’s Ad Awareness score (whether someone has seen an advert for the brand in the past two weeks) has risen from 30.6 to 38.9, jumping +8.3 points.

Not only are Indonesians noticing Dettol’s ads, they has also been an increase in Current Customer scores, from 24.1 to 30.9. This increase of +6.8 points shows that more people are now buying from the brand.