YouGov Ad of the Month – Thailand: Foodpanda

YouGov Ad of the Month – Thailand: Foodpanda

Kim Ho - May 5th, 2020

This month, food delivery platform Foodpanda is the brand that has achieved the highest uplift in its Ad Awareness over the past month.

The rise coincides with their latest campaign highlighting the steps they have taken to help curb the spread of COVID-19. The ad has over seven and a half million views on YouTube alone.

Launched about a month ago, the animated advertisement features a Foodpanda delivery rider on his way to pick up a delivery. He stops at the restaurant, which shows staff taking temperature checks and enhanced hygiene measures in food preparation. It then pans to the delivery rider doing the same, before making his way to the customer. When he arrives, he practices social distancing while delivering a hot meal to the happy customer. Their overarching message is that Foodpanda wants everyone to enjoy their favourite meals with peace of mind.


YouGov BrandIndex data shows that Foodpanda’s ads have captured Thai attentions. Foodpanda’s Ad Awareness score (whether someone has seen an advert for the brand in the past two weeks) has risen from 34.2 to 41.0, jumping +6.8 points.

Not only are Thais noticing Foodpanda ads, they has also been an increase in Current Customer scores, from 13.9 to 17.7. This increase of +3.8 points shows that more people are now buying from the brand.