YouTube, Facebook and 7-Eleven top Thailand’s 2020 Women’s Rankings

YouTube, Facebook and 7-Eleven top Thailand’s 2020 Women’s Rankings

Kim Ho - March 11th, 2020

Brands showing the biggest boost in overall impression among female consumers include Shopee, Krung Thai and Shopback

Video-sharing platform YouTube has topped YouGov’s latest women’s brand rankings in Thailand.

YouGov Plan & Track data ranks the brands that have left the most positive impression on women.


Digital brands appear to leave the most positive impression. YouTube takes the top spot this year, with the best impression score of 70.5. It is followed by social media platform Facebook in second (66.8), instant-messaging application LINE in fourth (63.6), e-commerce sites Shopee in fifth (57.4) and Lazada in ninth (49.8) and technology conglomerate Google in sixth (56.7).

Thai women also have a positive impression of brands that cater to convenience. Convenience store chain 7-Eleven is in third (63.6), fast-food chain KFC in seventh (55.0), instant noodle brand Mama (54.8) and snack food brand Lays in tenth (49.2).


The rankings also reveal which brands have seen the biggest increase in Impression amongst women over the past year. Shopee leads this year with a score increase of +15.3 points. It is followed by local bank Krung Thai and rewards programme Shopback (both up +6.4 points).

Ervin Ha, Head of Data Products at YouGov APAC said: “In a rapidly developing and digitalising economy like Thailand, it is unsurprising that the top ten brands amongst women are tech-related to those that cater to convenience.”