Shopee the most positively talked about brand amongst Indonesian young adults

Shopee the most positively talked about brand amongst Indonesian young adults

Kim Ho - October 10th, 2019

The best discussed brands amongst Indonesians aged 18 to 34.

Shopee is the most positively talked about brand amongst young Indonesians, new data from YouGov BrandIndex reveals.

The e-commerce platform tops the latest YouGov rankings, which considers the brands 18-to-34 year-olds have discussed with their friends in favourable terms.


As the only e-commerce platform in the top ten, Shopee leads with a score of 81.6. It is followed by digital payments solution OVO in second (80.5), and its competitor GO-PAY follows closely behind in fourth place (77.8). Packaged food brand Indomie comes in third (78.6). Social media brands fare well in the top ten, with WhatsApp in fifth (77.4) and Instagram in seventh (74.7). Digital brands also have a strong presence in the list, with ride-hailing apps Go-Jek in sixth and GrabBike in tenth (72.2), and electronics manufacturer Samsung in eighth (73.7) and Xiaomi in ninth (73.2).

Ervin Ha, YouGov’s Head of Data Products said: “In a competitive e-commerce landscape, Shopee has emerged on top as the brand that has gotten younger Indonesians talking. With its catchy advertising, and enlisting football superstar Cristiano Ronaldo as brand ambassador, Shopee has managed to harness the power of word of mouth recommendations amongst young Indonesians.”


The rankings also show which brands have experienced greatest uplift in positive word of mouth over the past 12 months among millennials. Cosmetics brand Pixy tops the improvers list with its score increasing by +9.8. It appears ahead of Netflix (+8.9), Twitter (+7.9) and Logitech (+6.4).

The NextGen Rankings use ‘WOM by positive Buzz’ scores from BrandIndex among 18-34 year-olds. Respondents are asked whether they have heard anything positive about a brand in the last two weeks, through advertising, news, or word of mouth, and brands with low response volume are eliminated. The remaining brands are ranked on Word of Mouth scores, which look at whether respondents talked about the brands with friends and family in the past two weeks (whether in person, online, or through social media).