How YouGov RealTime understands consumers on a global level

YouGov - July 23rd, 2019

A major financial services company wanted to identify consumer opinions around the release of secure and private information due to recent worldwide data breaches. Their objective was to inform upcoming campaigns by reaching a global audience and highlighting similarities and differences by region.

A YouGov fielded International Omnibus survey was run in 19 markets and our experienced researches worked with the client to fully understand their needs. This ensured the effort uncovered the most relevant consumer thoughts and views toward hacking and the safety of their personal information.

Within two weeks the survey was design and translated, fieldwork completed, and results delivered in all markets.

The results uncovered a clear divide between emerging and developed countries, with online financial security a far more top-of-mind concern in one than the other. This allowed the client to create an effective, targeted international marketing plan with confidence, leveraging this new understanding of their consumers on a global level.

About International Omnibus:

Reach a global audience with representative or targeted research samples in over 70 markets. Receive full-service support - including survey design and advice, plus multi-market project coordination.

Solution delivered by: RealTime