Samsung is the brand Filipinos would be proudest to work for

Samsung is the brand Filipinos would be proudest to work for

Kim Ho - April 25th, 2019

Samsung is the brand that Filipinos would be proudest to work for, new rankings from YouGov BrandIndex reveal.

The analysis looks at which brands people would be proud or embarrassed to work for. South Korean electronics manufacturer Samsung tops the list with a score of 70.6, followed by national carrier Philippine Airlines in second place (56.4).


Other digital brands have a strong presence in the top ten. Internet search giant Google takes fourth place (52.5), social media platform Facebook comes in sixth (47.5) and video-sharing platform YouTube in tenth (42.5). Personal care brands also fare well – with Colgate in third (53.2), Safeguard in fifth (48.3) and Dove in seventh (46.0).

The list is completed with brands from an assortment of other industries. Electronics firm LG comes in eighth (44.3) and snack-food Oreo in ninth (43.2).

The rankings also reveal which brands have seen the biggest increase in their scores over the past 12 months. Personal care brand Johnson’s Baby heads the list with a score increase of +5.5., followed by local financial institution Bank of Philippine Islands (up +4.0 points), and shampoo Cream Silk (up +3.8 points).


Ervin Ha, Head of Data Products at YouGov APAC said: “A good way of measuring a brand’s reputation is to find out whether people would be happy to be employed by it. For the second year running, Samsung has come out on top as the brand Filipinos would be proudest to work for.”