LINE best perceived brand among Thai women

LINE best perceived brand among Thai women

Kim Ho - March 5th, 2019

LINE tops YouGov’s annual list of the best rated brands among women.


The analysis from YouGov Plan & Track shows which brands that have left the most positive impression on women. Those that cater to convenience have performed well. LINE remains the top contender in this year’s top ten, with the best impression score of 67.5. Convenience store 7 Eleven comes in fourth (60.0), instant noodle Mama in fifth (55.1), potato chip brand Lays in seventh (52.3) and fast food brand KFC in tenth (51.5).

Thai women also have a positive impression of digital brands. Video sharing platform YouTube comes in second (67.2), followed by social media platform Facebook in third (65.1), Google in sixth (52.5) and e-commerce brand Lazada in ninth (51.5).

The list is completed by personal care brand Vaseline in eighth (51.6).


The rankings also reveal which brands have seen the biggest increase in Impression amongst women over the past year. Local bank Kasikorn heads the list with a score increase of +9.6 points. It is followed by babycare brand Babimild (up +7.5 points) and Chinese electronics manufacturer Huawei (up +7.4 points).

Ervin Ha, Head of Data Products at YouGov APAC said: “A good impression is invaluable to brand health, and maintaining one across half of the population is not something to be taken lightly. When it comes to Thai women, it appears that brands that cater to convenience are most likely to leave a positive impression.”