WhatsApp best perceived brand among Malaysian women

WhatsApp best perceived brand among Malaysian women

Kim Ho - March 5th, 2019

WhatsApp tops YouGov’s annual list of the best rated brands among women.

The rankings look at the brands that have left the most positive impression on women over the past year. WhatsApp remains the top contender in this year’s top ten, in a list that consists of many digital brands.


The analysis by YouGov Plan & track shows e-commerce platforms Shopee and Lazada comes in fourth (49.3) and tied in sixth (48.3) respectively, social media platforms Instagram and Facebook come in fifth (48.7) and tied in sixth (48.3) and video sharing platform YouTube comes in ninth (46.9).

The list is completed by fast food chain McDonald’s in second (53.2), Japanese automotive Honda in third (50.9), local bank Maybank in eighth (47.8) and low-cost carrier AirAsia in tenth (46.6).


The rankings also reveal which brands have seen the biggest increase in Impression amongst women over the past year. Shopee has the most improved spot, with a large score increase of +30.4 points. It is followed by Chinese electronics manufacturer Huawei (up +12.6 points) and McDonalds (up +11.3 points).

Ervin Ha, Head of Data Products at YouGov APAC said: “Digital brands dominate this year’s women’s brand rankings, with Shopee being the most notable story list. It is difficult to leave a positive impression on consumers. Yet, in spite of this and an ever-growing competitive e-commerce landscape, Shopee has not only managed to make it into the top five brands, but is heads our greatest improvers list – and by some distance.”