Singapore Airlines top Filipino brand advocacy rankings

Singapore Airlines top Filipino brand advocacy rankings

Kim Ho - November 21st, 2018

Singapore Airlines has the strongest brand advocates among Filipino consumers, new analysis from YouGov BrandIndex reveals.

The carrier heads the list with a score of 80.9. The top three is followed by South Korean electronics conglomerate Samsung (80.3) and Japanes retailer Uniqlo (77.7).

YouGov’s rankings are a form of net promoter score and look at the brands’ current and former customers and analyse which one have the highest proportion of people recommending them to a family member or friend.


Personal care brands make up a large chunk of the list. Oral hygeine brand Colgate comes in fourth (73.1), Dove in sixth (72.3), skincare brand Cetaphil in eighth (71.0) and soap brand Safeguard in ninth (70.3).

The top ten is rounded off by national airlines Phillippine Airlines in fifth (72.7) and South Korean electronics manufacturer LG (70.3).

YouGov also shows which brands have the most improved level of customer advocacy. Rizal Commerical Banking Corporation (RCBC) comes out on top (an increase of +10.1 points). It features ahead of local fashion retailer Penshoppe (up +9.6 points), and local bank Asia United Bank (AUB) (up +9.0 points).

Ervin Ha, Head of Data Products commented: “Singapore Airlines dominates advocacy rankings across ASEAN, and in the Philippines this is no exception. Recommending goods or services is one of the best ways to boost a brand, and when it comes to Filipinos, Singapore Airlines has come up on top.”

The YouGov BrandIndex Brand Advocacy Rankings were calculated by measuring recommend scores among each brand’s customers for the twelve-month period through October 2018. Scores are calculated by subtracting the negative responses from the positive responses. Respondents were drawn from YouGov’s online panels of 6 million consumers across 38 markets. The index looks to give brands a good indication on how well or poorly they have been doing in terms of their customer service, as well as quality of services and products provided.