Shopping and digital wallet brands most discussed amongst Hong Kong millennials

Shopping and digital wallet brands most discussed amongst Hong Kong millennials

Kim Ho - September 27th, 2018

Examining the most positively talked about brand amongst those aged 18 to 34.

WeChat Pay is the most positively talked about brand amongst millennials in Hong Kong, new data from YouGov BrandIndex reveals.

The digital wallet provider tops the latest YouGov rankings, which consider the brands 18-to-34 year-olds have discussed with friends in favourable terms.


WeChat Pay leads the top ten with a score of 65.8, with its competitor Alipay (61.9) in third place. Fashion brands feature prominently in the top ten with Uniqlo (61.5) in fourth, Nike (58.6) in fifth and Adidas (58.1) in sixth. Retail outlets HKTV Mall (56.6) and Mannings (56.0) come in eight and ninth respectively.

The top ten is completed with fast food chain McDonald’s (62.2) in second place, telco provider TVB (57.3) in seventh and accommodation platform Airbnb (55.9) in tenth.

Ervin Ha, YouGov’s Head of Data Products said: “Shopping seems to be the focal point of Hong Kong millennial discussions, be it fashion brands, shopping centres or methods of paying for their purchases. WeChat Pay has come up on top, managing to harness the power of word of mouth recommendations amongst younger Hong Kongers.”


The rankings also show which brands have experienced greatest uplift in positive word of mouth over the past 12 months among millennials. ICBC tops the improvers list with its score increasing by +12.3. It appears ahead of Listerine (+11.2), Burberry (+9.6) and Cathay Dragon (+9.5).

YouGov’s rankings are based upon YouGov BrandIndex’s Word of Mouth metric, which measures whether a respondent has discussed a brand with friends or family (whether in-person, online, or through social media) in the past two weeks. They are then filtered by positive Buzz - to sift out those who talk well of a brand from those who don’t – and age, so that only 18-34 year-olds’ views are measured.