Facebook continues to reign supreme among millennials in Egypt

Facebook continues to reign supreme among millennials in Egypt

Scott Booth - September 24th, 2018

Facebook is the most positively talked about brand amongst youngsters in the country, followed by WhatsApp and Uber, who come in the second and third spot, respectively. Although iPhone has dropped down to number eight from number five last year, WhatsApp makes an impressive entry into the list at the second spot. Digital brands make up most of the list with names like Careem and Jumia.com coming in at number six and ten, respectively.


YouGov’s daily brand tracking tool, BrandIndex, considered the opinions of respondents aged between 18 and 34, collected online over the past year, to discover the 10 brands they’ve talked about the most positively with friends and family, whether in person, online or through social media.

QSR chains KFC and McDonalds have moved down the rankings since last year, at spot seven and nine, respectively. Even Pepsi has slipped down drastically from second position last year to fifth this year.

YouGov also tracks brands that have made the greatest improvement in their overall brand image among millennials in the year gone by. Telecom Egypt has seen the greatest improvement in its brand image among the millennials this year, with a change in score of +16.3. Mountain Dew and Link are some of the other brands that have shown good improvement in their scores in the past year.


Scott Booth, Head of YouGov BrandIndex in MENA commented, “YouGov BrandIndex enables us to cross-reference WOM with positive Buzz and allows us to measure the most talked about brands among young consumers. The list is dominated by digital brands suggesting the youth in Egypt are tech-savvy and engage with the internet to fulfil various needs, be it entertainment, utilities, shopping, etc. Even the ride-hailing service providers have created an impression that led to positive chatter among Egypt’s youth.”

These rankings are based upon YouGov BrandIndex’s Word of Mouth metric, which measures whether a respondent has discussed a brand with friends or family (whether in-person, online, or through social media) in the past two weeks. Asked of consumers aged between 18- 34 years and filtered by positive Buzz - to sift out those who talk well of a brand from those who don’t. Scores averaged across the 52 weeks leading up to 31 August, 2018.