Almost 90% of Thai respondents say they trust banks

Almost 90% of Thai respondents say they trust banks

YouGov - May 9th, 2017

Across the world there are huge differences in perceptions of trust and respect for banks. To investigate how consumers’ attitude towards banks differs across the globe, YouGov, as the world’s leading online research firm, polled over 12,500 people in UK, US, UAE, Europe and Asia Pacific.

In Thailand, people have a positive impression towards banks in general. Almost 90% of respondents say they trust banks. In terms of respect, over 80% of respondents say they respect banks. Almost 80% of respondents agree that the banks they use are competent and know what they are doing. 66% of the respondents in Thailand also agree that banks are a force for good, and over half of the Thai respondents agree that banks act in their customers’ best interests.

But how does it compared to the rest of the world? Perhaps unsurprisingly, the European countries surveyed are generally the least positive, while in Asia there is more variance.

Perhaps due to the persistently stagnant economy, people in Japan are less optimistic. Australia and the US have responses that are generally more in the middle of the road.

In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, Americans seem to be largely more forgiving of financial institutions than Europeans, while Australians, less affected by the crisis on the whole, seem fairly neutral towards the industry.

Details of the survey can be found in the below infographic.

Data was collected from research amongst YouGov’s panelists and was weighted to be representative of online population. Sample size: Global (n = 12,507; UK: 2,084; France: 1,005; Germany: 2,062; Italy: 1,003; Japan: 1,006; Hong Kong: 1,084; Thailand: 1,004; UAE: 1,023; US: 1,192: Australia: 1,044)
