Online & social opinion
Get an instant overview of how opinions are expressed about your brand and sector online, with thorough examination of text and conversation. We track all the major digital sources in over 40 markets for an analytical approach to social listening.
Online sentiment analysis
Intelligence you need from the sources that matter. YouGov Signal has one of the broadest global online reaches, covering every relevant article, social post, video, search volume, and much more.
Our state-of-the-art natural language processing – with up to 93% sentiment accuracy – helps you understand, with unrivaled accuracy, what consumers’ think and feel.
Unlock authentic audience insights on the very latest properties, as they happen, – with 70,000+ tracked brands, products, movies and TV shows.
Connected living data solutions
Connect your data from YouGov Signal to YouGov’s wider Living Consumer Intelligence for a richer picture of the audiences and personas engaging with your brand, product or company.
For more granular analysis, get a deeper understanding of social behaviors, monitor overlapping audiences, and understand customer needs – with speed and certainty – with YouGov Custom Research.