Couple sat in van looking out over beach

Profile Peek: Sustainable Travellers in the UK

Profile Peek
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39% of sustainable travellers in the UK book luxury accommodation when possible, compared to 27% national representative.

Download YouGov's latest Profile Peek and discover:

  • Demographics of sustainable travellers in the UK
  • Sustainable travellers travel behaviours
  • Their attitudes towards the environment
  • Where they’re going on holiday next
  • Their attitudes towards advertising

About YouGov Profile Peek

Drawing on data from across YouGov’s vast connected ecosystem, compiled in YouGov Profiles, Profile Peeks are infographics that deep dive into a niche audience group segmented based on trending sector topics. Showcasing a range of behavioural and attitudinal insights they are designed to help brands and agencies get that little bit closer to the consumers they need to understand most.