Infographic: Valentine's Day in MENA
Karima Berkani - February 13th, 2014
- 33% of MENA residents plan on celebrating Valentine's Day
- Valentine's day is most popular in the UAE and Egypt, where 50% and 44% plan on celebrating, respectively
- 52% say they will celebrate to show their partner they care
Building on last year's GCC Valentine's Day survey we decided to ask the entire MENA region what they have planned for February 14. Using the YouGov Omnibus online panel, we asked 2,563 MENA residents to share their plans and feelings towards the holiday.
Among online respondents, 33 percent plan to celebrate in some way. Interestingly, regardless of whether or not they plan to celebrate, 43 percent of online respondents say they like Valentine's Day and 52 percent of those in a relationship say they are nicer to their partner.
Looking at relationship status, among online respondents, those who are dating casually are most likely to celebrate Valentine's Day (54 percent).