Is Cosmetic Surgery Socially Acceptable?

Is Cosmetic Surgery Socially Acceptable?

YouGov - August 21st, 2013

It has been said that demand for cosmetic surgery has been increasing in the Middle East. We asked Lab respondents what their views are on using cosmetic procedures including surgery to enhance looks.

We asked Lab respondents how satisfied they are with the appearance of their body.

- Overall the majority of lab respondents are satisfied with the appearance of their face, legs, arms, and chest.

- Lab respondents are however most satisfied with their face and least satisfied with their chest area.

Unsurprisingly, the overwhelming majority of Lab respondents believe it is very important to look good. Similarly, the majority also agree that they try to be as physically attractive as they can.

- Just over half of all Lab respondents agree that they worry about the effects of aging on their body. More female respondents reported worry then male Lab respondents.

When asked what cosmetic procedures Lab respondents have heard of, the majority of Lab respondents reported teeth whitening, followed by breast enlargements, laser hair removal, liposuction and face lifts. Lab respondents were least aware of botox and collagen injections.

- 8 in 10 respondents reported that they had previously not had any cosmetic procedure done including those mentioned above.

- The majority of Lab respondents reported teeth whitening, laser hair removal and liposuction to be the most acceptable cosmetic procedures in their country of residence. Breast reduction and collagen injections were reported to be the least socially acceptable procedures.

Just under half of all Lab respondents believe it is socially acceptable in their country of residence to undergo cosmetic surgery to enhance their looks. On the other hand, just under two-fifths reported that it is not socially acceptable.

This is what some Lab respondents had to say about the issue of social acceptability.

“As most people want to look good and age well, it seems to be acceptable to help nature along”. Jay, UAE

“Because in our religion "Islam", it is prohibited to change our look because we don't like it. Only cosmetic surgery for injured people is accepted”. Achraf, Morocco

“Cosmetic surgery is of two kinds: First, to remove a defect which disfigures the original physical structure. Removing this kind of defect is permissible in Islam since it is a form of treatment. The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said: "O slaves of Allaah, treat your selves,…" [Abu Daawood and At-Tirmithi] Second, if the surgery is performed to attain beauty and increase one's attractiveness, and not to remove a defect, then it is not allowed because it is considered as changing the creation of Allaah”. Med, Morocco

“I think to be natural and simple is the best thing to be beautiful woman...and plastic surgeries are too much. People can have all the confidence they wish just with accepting themselves as they are!” Mona

“For woman it is socially acceptable, but less for men” Anon

“People who can afford such procedures are in favor of cosmetic surgeries. Others are too busy in earning their bread and butter that they hardly have any time to think of enhancing their look”. Anon

Slightly over half of all Lab respondents believe it is acceptable for someone to undergo cosmetic surgery to enhance their looks.

Just over half of all Lab respondents reported they would not consider having cosmetic surgery in the future. Some of the reasons given include:

“If accidentally any part is damaged, then I will think of cosmetic surgery” Kishore, India

“Because it's wrong, unless there is a medical reason” Achraf, Morocco

“I am happy with what I have and do not want to undergo surgery just to look good”. Anon

“I love the fact that my body is part of the many features that make me unique on earth” Bimbo, Nigeria

Opinion is divided when Lab respondents were asked if they would be uncomfortable with their spouse/partner having cosmetic surgery to enhance their looks.

Just under half of all Lab respondents reported that they would feel uncomfortable.

This is what some Lab respondents had to say on this matter:

“It’s his choice if he wants to undergo cosmetic surgery” Jay, UAE

“I'd love my partner to stay the way I met her” Karsten, UAE

“It is her basic right to improve her beauty or personality” Muhammad Athar Shah, Pakistan

“Everyone is entitled to have a better body and looks if they want to and if it’s causing them a problem” Lamiaa, Egypt