Fewer than a quarter of consumers are interested in ‘limited edition’ beverages, survey finds

Fewer than a quarter of consumers are interested in ‘limited edition’ beverages, survey finds

Lesley Simeon - September 10th, 2024

Several factors could influence a consumers’ purchase decision when buying beverages - alcohol content, taste, nutritional value, cultural norms, occasions, the brand even.

But to what extent does slapping a ‘limited edition’ sticker on beverages influence consumers’ shopping decisions?

A recent YouGov survey asked consumers across 16 international markets about the impact of ‘limited edition’ marketing on their purchases across categories of products.

According to survey findings, beverages advertised as limited edition would not excite quite a few respondents. Four in ten of those polled (41%) say they’re not interested in limited edition alcoholic beverages and a third (34%) aren’t interested in limited edition non-alcoholic beverages.

Among those who would be interested, 17% would be more likely to go for limited edition alcoholic beverages and limited edition non-alcoholic beverages would make 22% of those polled more likely to consider such a product.

The appeal of limited edition non-alcoholic beverages, by market 

Indonesians are most likely across markets (42%) to say they would purchase non-alcoholic beverages marketed as ‘limited edition’, followed by consumers in the UAE (36%) and India (33%). In Europe, limited edition non-alcoholic beverages appeal the most to Poles (28%).

Mexicans (24%) and Italians (24%) lead across markets in saying they are more unlikely to buy non-alcoholic beverages if they’re marketed as limited edition.

Purchase decisions of Hong Kongers (35%) are the most likely to be unaffected by advertising non-alcoholic beverages as limited edition.

More than half of all Americans (52%) are not at all interested in non-alcoholic beverages marketed as limited editions buys - the most likely across all markets to say so.

Nearly half of all consumers (48%) in Great Britain follow Americans.

The appeal of limited edition alcoholic beverages, by market

More than a quarter of Mexicans (27%) would be more likely to buy limited edition alcoholic drinks - the most likely across markets to do so. Indians (24%) and Poles (24%) follow.

On the other hand, a limited edition label on alcoholic beverages makes three in ten Indonesians (30%) more unlikely to purchase them, followed by Mexicans (25%) and Italians (25%).

Americans (58%) account for the largest proportion of those who aren’t interested in limited edition alcoholic beverages (Emma Watson co-founded Renais Gin recently entered the American market with a limited edition twist). Singaporeans (50%) and Brits (49%) follow Americans.

Limited edition marketing of alcoholic beverages has no impact on more than a quarter of Danes (28%) while equal proportions of Danes (10%) and Poles (10%) simply don’t know whether such advertising would make them more likely or unlikely to purchase alcoholic beverages.

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Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provide quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. The data is based on surveys of adults aged 18+ years in 17 markets with sample sizes varying between 503 and 1918/2004 for each market. All surveys were conducted online in March 2024. Data from each market uses a nationally representative sample apart from Mexico and India, which use urban representative samples, and Indonesia and Hong Kong, which use online representative samples. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.

Photo by junjie xu on Pexels