Do users find information from social media tech influencers helpful? Nearly three in five do

Do users find information from social media tech influencers helpful? Nearly three in five do

Lesley Simeon - August 8th, 2024

We may follow social media influencers for multiple reasons - perhaps for the best fashion deal, restaurant recommendations, or even for tutorials on how to perfect that bench press or bicep curl. But when it comes to technology, do users find information shared by social media influencers useful? 

A recent YouGov Surveys: Serviced poll asked consumers across 17 international markets about topics they find influencers to be useful sources of information for.

Survey data reveals that nearly three in ten consumers (58%) across markets find social media influencers as a useful source of tech information - placing the category among the top three in our list of topics. 

How do different countries perceive the usefulness of social media influencers for tech information?

Data from individual markets reveals that Indonesians (94%) top the list of markets where consumers are most likely to find social media influencers useful for tech-related information. Users in India (86%) and the UAE (84%) follow those in Indonesia, with Mexicans (76%) and Hong Kongers (75%) completing the top five ranks. 

Nearly three fourths (72%) of users in Singapore (home to popular tech influencers like Julian Tay and Jack) also find social media influencers to be useful sources of information for tech - so do more than half of all Italians (54%) making the most likely in Europe to say so. 

Some of the most followed technology-focused social media influencers, like Marques Brownlee and Justine Ezarik hail from the US. Do Americans find tech influencers on social media useful? Roughly half of them (49%) do. 

Half of all Brits (50%) do too. 

On the other hand, respondents in Sweden are most likely (55%) across 17 markets to say social media influencers are not useful sources of tech information, followed by respondents from fellow Nordic market, Denmark (50%). Danes are most likely to say they’re undecided (19%) on whether or not they find tech information from social media influencers useful or not. 

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Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provide quick survey results from
nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. The data is based on surveys of adults aged 18+ years in 17 markets with sample sizes varying between 511 and 2051 for each market. All surveys were conducted online in May 2024. Data from each market uses a nationally representative sample apart from Mexico and India, which use urban representative samples, and Indonesia and Hong Kong, which use online representative samples. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.

Photo by Jaime Marrero on Unsplash