What do American moms want for Mother’s Day?

What do American moms want for Mother’s Day?

Clifton Mark - May 1st, 2024

The time has come for Americans to honor their mothers. How can we avoid disappointing them (again)? Data from YouGov Surveys: Self-serve reveals what American moms want to do and receive as gifts on their special day.

Who does mom want to spend the day with and what does she want to do?

Most moms want to spend Mother’s Day with their children (60%), with another 31% saying they’d like to spend time with their own mothers/family. The least popular options were spending the day with a romantic partner (10%) and with friends (10%). Twice as many moms (20%) would rather spend the day alone.

Going out to eat or drink was the most popular activity (42%), followed by staying home (32%) and going out for some other activity (20%). Going for a spa treatment would make 17% of American moms happy, as would simply doing nothing at all (17%).

What should you buy for Mother’s Day? 

The highest proportion of moms would be happy to be taken to dinner (36%), twice as many as those who are hoping for a spa experience (18%).

The most popular physical gifts among mothers are flowers, with a third (31%) of moms saying they’d like to receive them. This is followed by something handmade by the giver (29%), gift cards (28%) and greeting cards (24%).

The least popular options were a vacation (13%), beauty products (11%) and clothing (11%). Perhaps mothers do not completely trust their children’s taste.

YouGov polled 500 American mothers online on April 23, 2024. The survey was carried out through YouGov Surveys: Self-serve. Data is weighted by age, gender, race, political affiliation, education level and region. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Self-serve.