Eco-friendly gaming: Sustainable gaming gets a boost with consumers open to paying more

Eco-friendly gaming: Sustainable gaming gets a boost with consumers open to paying more

Lesley Simeon - April 12th, 2024

All kinds of industries are under pressure to be more sustainable, from agriculture and automotive to technology. But to what degree would the general public pay for more sustainable versions of games consoles?

More than half of them wouldn’t, data from a recent YouGov survey for which consumers across 17 international markets were polled shows.

The Big Picture

The survey reveals that 56% of consumers across markets wouldn’t pay extra for sustainable versions of gaming consoles, while 15% of all consumers would be willing to pay up to 10% more.

Who Values the Premium?

We’re now zeroing in on consumers who say they would consider spending an extra amount on sustainable gaming consoles and looking at how much more would they be okay with paying.

Nearly half (48%) say they would be willing to pay up to 10% more for sustainable gaming consoles. Less than a quarter of them across markets (22%) would be okay paying up to 25% more and 14% would shell out up to 50% more.

Further, data also suggests that there would be some takers for an even steeper sustainability premium. Where 8% of those willing to pay extra would be open to paying up to 75% more, 5% would pay up to 100% more and 4% would pay more than 100%.

Market variations

Data from individual markets we survey shows that Britons are the most likely to pay up to 10% more for sustainable versions of gaming consoles, followed closely by Italians (57%) and Spanish (55%). In Asia, more than half of all Hong Kongers (52%) would pay up to 10% more as well – the most likely in this region to say so.

As for those who would be willing to pay a bit more, up to 25% more, on sustainable gaming consoles, Hong Kongers lead across all markets (35%), followed by Brits (25%) and Italians (24%).

Nearly one in five consumers in the UAE (19%) would pay up to 50% more, followed by consumers in Indonesia (18%) and India (17%).

Equal proportions of consumers in Poland, UAE and Canada (11% each) would be willing to go further and cap their extra spend at up to 75% more, when it comes to buying sustainable gaming consoles.

Sweden is the only market in our list that reports a double-digit figure (11%) for consumers who would be willing to pay double the amount i.e. up to 100% more for sustainable options of gaming consoles. Fewer than one in ten Danes (9%) would do so as well.

Similar proportions of Swedes (9%) and Americans (8%) say there would be willing to spend more than 100% more to go eco-friendly and opt for sustainable versions of gaming consoles.

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Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provide quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. The data is based on surveys of adults aged 18+ years in 17 markets with sample sizes varying between 501/200 and 2023/446  for each market. All surveys were conducted online in December 2023. Data from each market uses a nationally representative sample apart from Mexico and India, which use urban representative samples, and Indonesia and Hong Kong, which use online representative samples. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.

Photo by Artem Podrez on Pexels