Genki Sushi launches limited-edition brand merchandise: has the charity drive boosted the brand?
Genki Sushi Hong Kong recently launched a series of collectible plates and tote bags illustrated by Japanese artist Keigo featuring its brand mascots Okuta Kun and Tokuchan.
From 26 February to 31 March, customers who spend $250 on dine-in or takeaways each week will be able to purchase a limited-edition dinner plate and canvas bag respectively with unique designs that change weekly. Proceeds from the sale of these seasonal merchandise will go towards Youth Outreach, a charity for at-risk young people.
But to what extent has this youth-minded campaign resonated with its target – Gen Z and Millennial consumers in Hong Kong?
Latest data from YouGov BrandIndex shows that consumer chatter and perception towards Genki Sushi, among Hong Kong residents aged 18-34 years, has seen a noticeable uplift since the campaign was launched.
Genki’s WOM Exposure score – indicating the percentage of consumers who have talked about the brand to family and friends over the past two weeks – rose from 13.8% on 25 February to 16.2% by 17 February, gaining 2.4 percentage points in three weeks.
Consumer impression of Genki Sushi also improved, with its net Impression score (difference of positive and negative impression) increasing from 14.1 on 25 February to 16.9 by 17 February.
Additionally, Genki’s corporate Reputation score – which measures how proud or embarrassed people would be to work for a brand – also saw an uptick from 5.5 on 25 February to 8.1 by 17 February.
Methodology: YouGov BrandIndex collects data on thousands of brands every day. WOM Exposure scores are based on the following question: “Which of the following brands have talked about with friends and family in the past two weeks (whether in person, online or through social media)?" (% yes). Impression scores are based on the following question: “Overall, of which of the following brands do you have a positive/negative impression?” (Net score). Corporate Reputation scores are based on the following question: “Imagine you were looking for a job or advising a friend looking for a job. Which of the following brands would you be proud/embarrassed to work for?” (Net score). Figures are based on a 4-week moving average. Learn more about BrandIndex.